Monday, October 12, 2015

Runes 202 - Bind Runes - Letting Go

Sometimes in life, we cannot resolve or rectify things that happened in our past.  In these situations, we can develop a very deep felt need to find a resolution though.  But, this need can overpower our current lives.  We are not satisfied because we cannot resolve something from our past, which makes us unhappy, and our need to obtain those answers so that we can feel satisfaction about our past makes us unhappy in the present.  What's most important is that, if we don't resolve it, we will be unhappy in our future life as well.

Given this, the question becomes how do we let go of things we cannot resolve?  This reads to me like using a Norn cast is the best approach, because our situation includes the past, present, and what should happen in the future.  So, I asked the Norns for guidance, then I took the Runes they gave me and made a bind Rune to strengthen our resolve to let go.

The Norns showed me Hagalaz, Eihwaz, and Laguz.

A bind Rune for letting go of things you cannot resolve.
The image on the left shows hows the Runes were bound together.

The Rune from Urd really sets the tone, telling us everything we need to know about the situation.  Hagalaz is the hail Rune and it contains a complete process within itself.  Drawing this Rune first, acknowledges that there was a destructive force (situation) in our past.  It is important that we acknowledge it here.  However, there is another part to the hail Rune that provides nourishment.  In this instance, I am not so sure we are talking about lessons learned, rather more about what we can choose to take from the damage of the hail storm.  In essence do we say, "Look at this mess.  You've ruined everything!"  Or do we say, "This is a mess.  What is still intact?  What can I use, maybe in a different way, to rebuild or create something better?"  The former locks us into the past, while the latter offers potential and opportunities for the future.

Whereas Urd established the situation, Verdandi points to us.  Eihwaz helps us realize who we are right now as we try to deal with Urd's situation.  What really stands out to me with this Rune is its strength, not asking the question, "Are we strong enough to let go?", rather telling us that we are.  In fact, it is a gentle way of assuring us that we can do this, that it is time to be brave and take that step. There is no 'how' in this instance; there is only do.  Just take a deep breath and make the commitment to let go and then let go.  This requires not only the bravery and strength infused in the Rune, but trust and/or faith, which may be harder to muster than bravery.

With the situation and the recognition of our abilities to address it sorted, we turn to - what now?  What action do we need to take to let go of this issue from our past and move forward in a positive way?  Skuld gives us Laguz, the water Rune.  This strikes me as almost another process, though this Rune does not contain a process in the same way that Hagalaz does.  Part of letting go entails relaxing, going with the flow - an idea I associate with this Rune.  If we accomplish this aspect of the Rune, the flow will continue forward in a similar fashion - relaxed, easy, smooth.  Once that smooth flow is established, we can go deeper into it, exploring its mysteries and living life more fully, because we are no longer weighted down by the past.

Binding these Runes together demonstrates a clear process for us to follow.  It creates a clearer, connected picture for us to wrap our heads and hearts around and provides us with a reminder of the effort we must apply, and the release we will feel.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Runes 201 - Indvidual Runes - Gebo

Gebo may appear to be the simplest Rune to interpret; it means gift.  But, that is just the on the face.  So much more lies just under the surface that needs to be explored, because a gift implies so many other things, such as an exchange or balance of power in a relationship, acceptance and rejection, and highlights the differences between classes.  The latter is especially prominent in the Old English Rune poem, where the notion of a gift is relative to one's societal stature:

Gift for men is adornment and complement, support and dignity; and for all the dispossessed, forgiveness and sustenance, who would otherwise have nothing.
-interpretation from the Rune Primer, Sveyn Plowright

These deeper meanings enticed me to explore this Rune in more detail.  When I asked the Runes what they would like me to know about Gebo, the first Rune they gave me was Jera.  For me, this was an especially powerful message, because Jera is my guiding Rune; it is the most important gift I have received from the Runes.  Drawing this Rune first also signifies to me that everyone's greatest gift is different.  For example, Jera is the Rune of the year and represents time and process and, in the end, a good harvest.  This is a reminder that serves me well on a regular basis.  However, I have a friend whose greatest gift is Ansuz and he uses it to represent the importance of clear communications in his relationships.

Now that we know how the gift is defined and that it is different for everyone, the next question I posed was about giving a gift.  In response to this question, the Runes offered Thurisaz.  This Rune often times has negative connotations related to giants and thorns.  However, at its core is a sense of power.  Giving a gift can prove a powerful act.  If can forge alliances, win someone's favor or even just make someone's day.  That last one may seem a bit sappy, but a simple act can be very powerful.  At first glance, this Rune might seem like a calculated effort, but giving a gift actually is calculated, whether we realize it or not.  Most times, we probably give a gift in celebration or appreciation of something, but sometimes we do it only out of obligation, which can taint the gift.  I think what this Rune is telling us is that giving a gift is important and there are implications on both sides of the act, but as the gift giver, if you don't put genuine thought into it, it will show.

So, what about receiving a gift?  What do the Runes have to say about that?  Must we be gracious, even if we hate the gift?  Must we accept the gift?  Sowilo appears to address this angle. This strikes me as an interesting placement for the sun Rune, because it seems to say, "Yes, of course, you must accept the gift and be gracious."  However, what the sun does is shed light on things and makes it easier for us to follow our path.  In a sense, it offers guidance.  Perhaps, then, its guidance goes beyond the simple act of graciously accepting a gift.  Perhaps it is guiding us to wisdom about the relationship we have with the person giving us a gift.  This fits nicely on the heels of Thurisaz, because essentially what it is saying is we will know the meaning of the gifts we receive if we seek to understand the intention behind their presentation to us.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Connecting on the Solstice

On this, the longest day of the year for us northern hemisphere dwellers, I sit in my living room looking out the window at a cloudy, rainy day.  This image does not immediately beckon the ideas I like to associate with this day - our summer solstice - but it does connect me to Earth in a similar way.  Rain, just like the sun, nourishes the planet and is required for our most basic survival.  Given this perspective, I asked the Runes what they would like to share with me about this day.  What they presented relates to the way we look at things.

Berkana coming first was very interesting to me.  It is the birch Rune, associated with beginnings, creativity, and birth.  Perhaps this ties into new perspectives, looking at things in new ways.  Just as I am getting a new perspective on the solstice, experiencing things that we know from a new or different view point can change or enhance the way that we understand them.  This can pertain to how we view and acknowledge this day to anything and everything else in our lives.  Simply put, this may be the perfect opportunity for us to gain some fresh perspectives on which we can build and doing it without expectation.  Instead of expecting something to be a certain way, use an. "I wonder," approach to see it differently.

Having Hagalaz, the hail Rune, follow Berkana reinforces this line of thought for me.  Hail contains a process that I have mentioned before.  Destruction or upheaval is the first part; when hail strikes, it can damage even destroy crops and property if it hits hard enough.  A new perspective on something can create problems as well, depending on how dramatic the shift in perception is.  In a way, we are reminded that change is uncomfortable, but with time, we adapt, adjust, and ideally embrace what we have come to understand based on our new perception.  I might even go so far as to call this personal growth.  Notice that I didn't say that we agree with it.  The focus is more on creating a more holistic understanding of things than blind acceptance of them.

Two years ago when I posted Runes for the Solstice, Mannaz immediately followed Berkana. Drawing Mannaz here, though it makes similar sense intuitively as it did back then, is more challenging to explain.  What this gets to is the hope that, once we finish the process of Hagalaz, that we will reap the benefits of this new perspective and that the realization will have an overall positive influence on us as individuals, but also as we participate in the larger human experience.

Whether acknowledging and celebrating the solstice today or likening this insight into another aspect of our lives, we can carry this idea or ideal with us and see if we can find that new perspective, build on it in a positive way, and and keep that positive energy moving forward.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Runes 402 - Rune Dialogues - Managing the Truth

The truth can be a challenging aspect of life.  More specifically, it can be problematic when it is entirely evident, but must be handled carefully so as to obtain the desired outcome.  In this case, the truth becomes the elephant in the room; it is obvious that everyone knows it is there, but they choose to ignore it and, as a result, life sputters on as it always has.

Well, I say, "Nertz to that!"

I cannot sit idly by with a giant elephant in the room.  However, also as an adult, I realize I cannot simply blurt things out.  The situation has to be handled with tact and care and finesse.  So, I engaged the Runes to help me manage it.

Me:  What can you tell me about this truth?

Runes:  Thurisaz represents the situation well.  It shows us that truth is power and, if the power is unleashed haphazardly, it can wreak havoc and make the situation worse.  However, if it is focused and guided, it can bring great rewards.

Me:  Thank you for your wisdom.  Thurisaz does align well with my current situation.  The question is how do I roll out the truth?

Runes:  Laguz has two aspects, one of following the flow as it rolls out; the other looking deeper at the mysteries or secrets being kept.

Me:  So these are the paths from which I must choose.  Do I follow the flow of the others involved and the other information that is being provided?  Or do I expose the secrets?

Runes:  The time is fertile, as Ingwaz shows, for you to guide the flow of things as they are unrolled.  But it also reminds you to be careful.  You will reap what you sow.

Me:  Reaping what I sow could be good or bad.  I don't want to put bad energy into the mix, but I see what is best for the big picture in the long run.

Runes:  If you do nothing, things will not change.  If you do nothing, there will be no beginnings for moving forward.  Berkana will keep appearing to address this fear.  If you want things to change, to begin anew, the truth is the path that leads in that direction.

Me:  Yes, I know the truth must come out.  I am just not sure how to expose it without creating collateral damage.  I don't want to simply be a finger pointer.  I need to be able to say, "This way no longer works.  We must step onto a new path."

Runes:  Raido is the journey down that path.  Raido tells you to be the change, to stand up.  Live life!  You cannot help but guide the big picture onto a new and productive path.

Me:  I have missed engaging with you in this way.  Thank you for your guidance and insight.  What is the last word on this?

Runes: The last words are the words you have already written.  Remember Algiz and Heimdall.

Me:  The words from my novel excerpt.

Runes: Yes.

Me:  Thank you.  I needed this conversation with you tonight.  Tomorrow I will begin writing the words that will reveal the truth.